se Tails
SINGLE - for those horses and ponies who have a nice tail and just need a little bit extra for a complete full look.
Forelocks available in 12 or 15 in all lse tail colours or custom made.
Please contact us at .au
for mane rosettes - you can buy horse hair that is a match to your horses mane so you can do full rossetts where your horses mane has been rubbed. note - you will need a small amount of mane to work with.
TRIPLE - for those horses and ponies who are lacking or do not have a tail will need this triple tail or if you want a really full tail! false horse tails
Youll Love our handmade real horse hair quality tails!horse hair bracelets They come in a range of sizes to suit your needs ready for posting today or cuse Tailsstom made...
We make sure we have a good range of 75cm and 95cm tapered end tails ready to send to you so you can cut to the exact tail length needed.
You can cut the tails just like real horse hair for a straight finish or to make them shorter to suit your ponies tail.