How to make a lse tail ??
Good luck dad tells me its easy but Im yet to try and make one. Why would I when he is happy to do it and does a really good job of it.
My dad is very good at them. I know he uses super glue, some thread and rubber rings they use to tail lambs, the rings holds the hair while he glues and binds it together. Plus part of a broodmares tail. Dad just runs mares in and choose a tail that will match my horse and cuts some out for me. It takes him around 30 to 60 minHow to make a lse tail ??utes per tail and I have had mine all season and it still is as good as new.
Depends on what colour you need, but if you just need plain black, you can get them super cheap :) I got a brand new single thickness 75cm on Ebay yesterday for $45. The double thickness was only $70.
My last tail cost me less then $10.
No idea Di,Horse hair fabric-No.46-Herdsma, but is there any reason that you want to make it instead of buy one? You can get them rather cheap depending on the colour, or if its a rare colour you can get one made up perfectly. We just got one made up for Buzzy using the tail the old owners used on him,false tails was only $200 and is perfect, false horse tails basically strand for strand is the same.
Im sure if you google it you may find some instructions on the internet somewhere.